LOGAN MULLOY – 2018 Scholarship Winner!
Logan Mulloy graduated from Klein Collins High School in 2018, and is now studying Agricultural Economics with a finance and real estate emphasis at Texas A&M. Logan played football at Klein Collins with Tyler, including the 2016 state semi-finalist team. Now in college he enjoys watching sports with friends as well as participating in occasional games himself. “My first encounter with Tyler was my sophomore year at football practice a few weeks into the season.” Tyler had just recently gotten injured, and was out for the season and unable to participate in practice. However, he showed up everyday, and did everything he could to help the team.
“For me, a sophomore trying to learn what it took to be a varsity football player, I looked up to Tyler and the way everyone loved & respected him. Since receiving the scholarship, I have made it a priority to live in a way that honors what Tyler stood for and be an example in the same way he was. I used the scholarship to make my many textbooks more affordable and help with other college expenses. Receiving the scholarship was an honor and I will work everyday to make the foundation everything it can be and properly remember Tyler.”